Miss Rodeo South Dakota Pageant 
and Teen MRSD Pageant
Nov. 5-9,  2025

Who will be our 
2026 Miss Rodeo 
South Dakota and 
2026 Teen Miss Rodeo 
South Dakota?
Miss Rodeo South Dakota Pageant
The pageant to select the 2026 Miss Rodeo South Dakota and Teen Miss Rodeo South Dakota will be held 
Nov. 5-9, 2025 in conjunction with the Brookings PRCA Rodeo in
 Brookings, South Dakota.

For more information, please review the MRSD and TMRSD official rulebooks under the Application Materials page.

Host the 2026-2028 MRSD and Teen MRSD pageants!

The MRSD, Inc. organization is accepting applications from South Dakota PRCA rodeos who have interest in hosting the pageants in 2026-2028.  Because MRSD and TMRSD represent the entire state of South Dakota, MRSD, Inc. would like to provide the opportunity for this pageant to be hosted at PRCA rodeos around the state.  The attached document outlines items that would be needed to successfully host this pageant.  The rodeo committee is not expected to provide all of these items but rather help identify possible locations and facilitate the work of the MRSD pageant committee.  Please email missrodeosouthdakotainc@gmail.com for more information.